AYALA Tower @ Gayanti City (Tower ke-2)

Open Selling !!!


Lahan : 1,5 HA
2 Tower Apartment – 32 lantai
1 Office Tower

Developer : PT. Buana Pacifik International

Info Marketing : 0812 12 888 000 – Anton

Open Selling !!!


Semi Furnish

14 Unit / Lantai

Lift : 6 Lift Passenger + 1 Lift Service

Type Unit : 1 BR dan 2 BR

Strata Title

Handover 2019

Kontraktor : Adhi Persada Gedung (APG)

Marketing : 0812 12 888 000


Unique Selling Points

Strategic location

Excellent Investment

Sky Deck With Panaromic View

Two Access, Jl gatot Subrot & Jl Tendean

Good Transportation Infrastructure (LRT, Busway)

TYPE UNIT – SemiFurnish (70% Sold)

Type Tower A :
1. Loft A   98 meter
2. Loft B   95.54 meter
3. Loft C    96.92 meter
4. Loft D    88.03 meter
5. 1BR      102.95 meter
6. 2BR      119.51 meter

Type Tower B  (Tower AYALA) 
1. 1BR-A    50.20 meter
2. 1BR-B    51.44 meter
3. 1BR-C    47.25 meter
4. 1BR-D    58.21 meter
5. 2BR-A   68.22 meter
6. 2BR-B   72.16 meter
7. 2BR-C    86.03 meter


Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 2 Jakarta Selatan



  1. Swimming pool
  2. Playground
  3. Sky Terrace
  4. Gymnasium
  5. Park
  6. Jogging Track
  7. Barbecue
  8. LibraryRemove featured image



Gayanti City

Gayanti City Apartment adalah hunian terbaru yang terletak di Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan. Apartemen Gayanti City adalah salah satu project unggulan dari PT. Buana Pacifik International.

Apartemen Gayanti City terinspirasi oleh hunian-hunian di kota besar di dunia seperti New York, Milan, London. Mengusung konsep “Live, work, play” dan memadukannya untuk membuat hunian yang sempurna. Yang membuat Gayanti City unik adalah karena mengusung konsep tersebut dimana aktifitas harian dapat dilakukan di satu area sambil bekerja dan bermain.

Gayanti City Residence atau yang biasa disebut sebagai Gayanti City Apartment,  adalah sebuah hunian Apartment Mewah yg sangat nyaman untuk dihuni serta sangat menguntungkan sebagai sarana investasi jangka panjang ataupun jangka pendek. Sebab Gayanti City Residence ditunjang dengan fasilitas mewah dan terlengkap serta didukung oleh lokasi yang sangat strategis di segitiga emas Gatot Subroto. Aksesnya-pun berdekatan dengan jalan tol dan sarana-sarana umum lainnya, sehingga memudahkan Anda untuk kemana saja.

Apartemen Gayanti City menyediakan 2 Tower Apartment dan 1 Office Tower.

Apartment Gayanti City hanya menyedikan 2 tower apartment & 1 office tower.
Tower 1 Apartment sudah sold 75%.

tower ke 2 Apartment sudah di buka harga perdana 2 M an
1 tower hanya ada 350 unit , 1 lantai 14 unit , 6 lift human , 1 lift barang , bestment parkir 1:1



PT. Buana Pacifik International adalah salah satu dari beberapa pengembang besar di Indonesia yang telah membangun beberapa gedung perkantoran, hunian,  dan juga pusat perdagangan diantaranya: Senayan City Mall, Harco Mangga Dua, Green Garden, Apartemen Slipi, Panin Tower, Wisma 77, dll.

Buana Pacific International didirikan pada tahun 2004 dan pada tahun 2012 menandai konsolidasi dari beberapa pemain utama yang telah berpengalaman dalam industry Property selama puluhan tahun di Indonesia membentuk sebuah group pengembang terdepan.

Pangalaman Kami mencakup segmen pasaran yang luas dan jenis Property yang beragam mulai dari rumah tinggal samapai bangunan komersil dan kawasan ritel. BPI merupakan pengembang yang berkomitmen dan terintegrasi penuh pada setiap aspek design, engineering, konstruksi dan proyek pemasaran yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan layanan yag kompetitif dan terbatas.


The group has already identified from amongst the region’s leading names in architecture, interior design, and construction, a choice selection of dedicated consultants, including:

  • Airmas Asri, as Architect. Established in 1988, Airmas Asri is Indonesia’s foremost provider of architectural consultancy services having been the sole designer of a wide array of landmark buildings across the capital. The company’s previous work includes the Pakubuwono Residence, Residence 8 at Senopati, Plaza Senayan, the Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan, Equity Tower and Senayan City, among others.
  • Arkonin, as Structure Consultant.  Established in 1975 as an independent design and engineering company, Arkonin is a member of Pembangunan Jaya Group and is well versed in providing clients around the world with peace of mind in guaranteeing the structural integrity of buildings. Along with its sister company Arkonin Engineering Manggala Pratama, this company has undertaken projects for several ministries and was recognised by BCI Asia – a primary source of construction market information — for their recent work on the Aston Priority Simatupang Hotel and Conference Centre as well as the La Grande Merdeka Condotel.
  • Korra Antarbuana, as Quantity Surveyor Consultant. Founded in 1977, Korra Antarbuana is a professional consultancy service provider that specialises in cost planning, final cost projections, procurement advice, contract administration, contract documentation and budgeting. The company’s previous projects include consultancy for the Sheraton Lagoon Hotel in Bali, Plaza Indonesia, Menara BRI, Senayan City, Dharmawangsa Residence and the Four Seasons Regent Residences in Jakarta.
  • Meco Systech Internusa, as Mechanical Consultant. Centrally headquartered in Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta, Meco Systech Internusa is an experienced mechanical and electrical consultancy firm and has a history of working on projects in Jakarta’s Golden Triangle, having provided its services during the construction of Menara Kuningan on Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said. The company also plays an active role in developing business districts in other major Indonesian cities, as seen in its ongoing contribution to Marvell City, a large scale mixed used property development project in Surabaya, East Java.
  • Element Design Studio, as Landscape Architect. Established in 2011, Element Design Studio is a Singapore based architectural firm that specialises in high quality landscape master planning and design for hotels, resorts, residential developments, mixed used complexes and golf courses throughout Asia and further abroad. Led by a team of skilled architects, horticulturists and graphic designers, this company has previously worked in India, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, Kenya and Egypt. Notable projects in Indonesia include the Novotel Residences in Sentul City; the Intercontinental Canggu Hotel in Bali; and the Parkroyal Rainbow Hills Resort in Bogor.
  • Studio HBA, as Interior Designer. Headquartered in Los Angeles and with representative offices located in New Delhi, Shanghai, and Singapore; Studio HBA is a division of Hirsch Bedner Associates International, the world’s leading hospitality design firm. The company’s international project portfolio includes the successful adaptation of the latest trends and styles to luxury residences and hotels in San Francisco, Miami, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Shanghai, Kunming and Guangzhou.


Harga Mulai Rp  2M an

Cara bayar

  • Cash
  • KPA
  • Installment

Info Marketing

  • Anton
  • 0812 12 888 000
  • Investasijakarta@gmail.com


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