The Tamansari Puri Bali residential areas in Sawangan, Depok is also developed with a concept of residential nuanced Balinese resort, which features the image of Balinese elegance with a blend of modern architecture .

Entering the 200-meter long road to the gates of Tamansari Puri Bali, You would began to feel atmosphere of Bali.

There is limestone structure on the right side of the road that is reminiscent of street scenes in Jimbaran.

Arriving at the gate entrance, the exotic of Bali can not only be seen from the design of the gate, Garden with lush flowers also ready to welcome every guest who comes or returns home after a day of activities.

Go deeper into it again, you would be accompanied by the lake, rice field terracing and exotic plants of Bali such as frangipani, coconut palms and pandanus Bali as well as many different types of trees that grow on the island.

Splashing water from the artistic river along the areas, evokes the beautiful impression of Tamansari Puri Bali.

The landscape of Tamansari Puri Bali is designed in such a way as to resemble the landscape of Bali that is well-known as the most beautiful lanscape in the world.

Each banjar (cluster) is equipped with parks nuanced Balinese and huts in Bali architecture. In addition, hardscape ornaments are identical to the island of Bali.

Perumahan Tamansari Puri Bali Residence merilis cluster terbarunya Aruna. Aruna menjadi cluster kesebelas perumahan yang berada di Sawangan, Depok ini.

Perumahan ini dikembangkan oleh Wika Realty, anak perusahaan Wijaya Karya yang juga merupakan badan usaha milik negara (BUMN).

Seperti cluster-cluster sebelumnya, Aruna juga berdesain Bali. Tidak hanya rumah, tetapi juga taman dan desain kawasan bergaya Bali.

“Konsep cluster Aruna ini benar-benar suasana Bali. Kami mencoba mengadopsi Desa Penglipuran yang di Bali,” ujar Manajer Realty Tamansari Puri Bali Residence, Budi Santoso Kurniawan kepada Rumah123.

Desa Penglipuran merupakan salah satu desa tradisional yang berada di Kabupaten Bangli, Bali. Desa ini menjadi salah satu destinasi wisata budaya.

Nantinya, rumah di cluster Aruna tidak memiliki pagar, menyatu dengan taman, dan ada perbedaan kontur tanah antara jalan raya dengan rumah.

Cluster Aruna terdiri dari 133 unit rumah dengan dua tipe yang ditawarkan yaitu 45/120 dan 60/120. Sedangkan harga yang ditawarkan mulai Rp 800 jutaan.



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